Saturday, January 28, 2012

iBot Tool - Update

The best tool for iBot - International Silkroad Online Bot
version - iBot Tool -
version - iBot Tool -

version - iBot Tool -
version - iBot Tool -
version - iBot Tool -
version - iBot Tool -
version - iBot Tool -

iBot Map Files -
.NET 4.0 - (Make sure you installed this!! *Otherwise you get a framework error on startup*)
Only use this download link!
md5: 99760914ce39cb30efb208771d479518

You can still use this tool for FREE!

  • Added my own mediapatcher (it's works better and faster then iBotForFun's mediapatcher, his one is bugged)
    • It will patch automatically when you launch Hackshield via iBot Tool
    • It will unpatch automatically when closing iBot Tool
    • Conclusion, old iBot is back :)
    • Note: iBot Tool will cause a cpu-usage spike the first seconds after start. (Nothing to worry about)
  • Added Silkroad Revolution skills to the AutoBuffer
  • Changed the configfile a little bit
    • Please select your silkroad folder (Options --> Set silkroad folder). IF YOU DON'T DO THIS, iBot Tool WON'T WORK!
  • Mediapatcher
    • Fixed a bug that it's messing up your media.pk2
    • Improved the algorithm (It's 4 times faster now)
    • Added a status of your media.pk2 (Modified or Original)
  • Autobuffer fix
    • If your character is in town it doesn't try to buff anymore (That's the purpose xD)
  • Fixed the crash at iBot Tool launch
  • Mediapatcher fix (Bug since SRO update)
  • Real fix now, didn't had time yesterday to test.
  • Improved the mediapatcher (Only fetch offsets when there's a SRO update)
  • Fix clientless (Options --> Fix clientless) Only use this when you get "Old clientless" Note: Don't run a SRO client at that moment!
  • Autolurer
    • Little change. Create your script, go to Train/Lure config select your train and lurescript and apply to a character. Read the messages for better understanding
  • Follow me @Twitter! haha :)
  • Changed the mediapatcher and removed the error message
  • Disabled Hackshield check untill I found a proper solution
You can close the hackshield window! (It will run on the background, untill you press "Terminate hackshield")
If you still get the black "hackshield" box, delete all your hackshield files in your SRO folder!(Hackshield.jar and Run hackshield.bat)
To use SRO-R select login server 5 or 6!
Unpack the map files in your iBot folder, keep the pictures in the original folder! 
Please report bugs
You are free to make suggestions
Thank you
Note: Place this tool in the same folder as iBot!


  1. what can i do?:) how to patch without patcher from ibot

  2. i use old version of patcher and no work ;) when character appear DC was most good last vers;) this have many bug

  3. Hi trax,
    I think very good to be if you will add swing march to party buffer because warrior when luring cant get speed. If you can add it in next update ty.

  4. need image guide how to use auto lure -.-

  5. I have a suggestion..
    Could you PLEASE make the Dimension Hole For Flame Mountain Compatiable with the Script Maker

  6. Hello. When I try to load sror hackshield it tells me the system cannot find the file specified now i asure you that ive selected the silkraodr server also please help me with this problem i would greatly appreciate it

  7. I tested it again (a clean installation) and I know what the problem is, on the first run iBot Tool didn't have the right path to SRO, so he fucks the media.pk2 when you patch it -_- Sorry about that..

  8. So you have to install sro again (or replace a back up of media.pk2) when your media.pk2 is damaged.

  9. i did that and it just damaged my media.pk2 again Trax X((

  10. u didn't add merv server, do you add merv server?

  11. ok i download sro may it work this time:P and no crash anymore:P i come with oppinion after install and test:)

  12. 2 click on ibot-tool.exe and then i see your black logo and again Crash- program not work...
    I re-install again .NET and repair. but not work.
    Old work .. This not. What the problem?
    Why work and why not
    what the different in this 2 version

  13. yup i reisntall the silkroad and when i open the hackshield in ibot-tools say: Media.pk2 is damaged but normally open work ;) so NO WORK :)

  14. Media.pk2 is damaged this is becouse the tools^_^ crash my media.pk2 ;) i download ibot manager this no more works:(

  15. need image guide how to use auto lure
    need image guide how to use auto lure
    need image guide how to use auto lure
    need image guide how to use auto lure
    need image guide how to use auto lure
    need image guide how to use auto lure

  16. As I said iBot Tool fucks the media.pk2. So don't use it.. won't have this problem (gonna upload it now)

  17. yes I need a guide with pictures on how to use auto lure

  18. Note that you have to reinstall your SRO if the media.pk2 is damaged (Unless you made a backup, then restore it)

  19. Cleric moet normaal op men warrior Body & Soul blessing doen & Healing cycle maar hij doet ook de int buff euhm mental blessing..

  20. Picture guide isn't needed for auto-lure think for 2 seconds jeez lazy ppl:

    Options, Create lure script,
    1 point ( Center of your pt coordinates ex 1,1)
    2 point ( Where do you want it to walk & shout 3,2
    3 point ( What other point do .... 5,5)
    4 point (....)

    Thats it, and for coordinates just check your ibot when you click where he goes or record script to see coordinates.
    Then save it near your normal scripts name: LureScript(Mujigi #1)
    Load it as training script & voila
    ( Better manually go to town since he will loop the coordinates) you can't put both train & town script.. :S Pitty

  21. Almost forgot theres a guide.
    iBot Tool - User Manual
    Here you can find the user manual.

    Under the visitor counter

  22. pls see this video.. This my problem.

  23. @Stef, you can have a train and a lurescript at the same time, actually.

  24. @SBS, what kind of thing is that from where you launch it? (Is it a sandbox or something?)

  25. Hmm, a file manager, that shouldn't be the problem, but did you try it without that program? (Don't forget to launch it as admin, maybe that's necessary with that manager)

  26. I do not work auto lure

  27. @SBS, I saw you have Teamviewer, may I watch at your pc?

  28. same problem. I did a icon and run -- and run with admin . But nothing. Same problem.

  29. yes only write your email and i send acc and pw

  30. I have a problem in which ibot-tool start due to some "error" seconds after I launch it. It only stopped working after I updated it, but when I went back to the older version, it still didn't work.

  31. You can't download older versions (they are all the same). But I found the problem, now I need a way to fix it without losing functionality

  32. i have 2 account one of them works with ibottool
    and the other when ibottole go to select char clint close
    so what is the problem

  33. fukk i get full LAgg and need to do restart :D

  34. if i close ibot tool
    hs work inside my windows.
    And i run again itools and write i need to close java.exe
    i closed it . and i crashed and i cant repatch default.
    So i reinstall now sro ^^

  35. SBS, if you just close iBot Tool it will repatch it to default, but it can be bugged if you use more then one iBot Tool (That's for a reason not supported)

  36. do a scroll bar more slots :D

  37. reply to me please
    i have 2 account one of them works with ibottool
    and the other when ibottole go to select char clint close
    so what is the problem

  38. now work well Ty :) but problem again with auto buff :) i make config and i save it ... when i press start in ibot tolls say to me ibot no find config or other like that what i can i do or explain step by step how to use it plsssss and auto lure too need "tutorial" :D no wotk on mine

  39. Dodo, sorry but I don't know. Did you configure everything right?

    @Adrian, you have to apply it to a character, don't only save the config.

  40. my friend use version and have a problem him. When set up all data and click launch ibot cant connect because not set automatic server. he have a blind button at servers- and cant select.
    But he selected in itools server name.
    New problem ?:P

  41. maybe he used old ibot version -.-
    I now do it him

  42. Not this the problem.. and yes enabled checkbox ^^
    in ibot not see servers.
    Nothing .and cant connect .
    but in ibot tool selected it.

  43. The launcher isn't changed since May 2011 or something (except the sro-r servers they are included since

  44. if he run ibot only see servers in clientless mode. But if he run ibot tool and want launch .. open ibot and not see servers there

  45. You never see servers there? (I don't know, you don't need it)

  46. Just select the server in ibot tool and press launch (+ auto login)

  47. yes and than open a ibot and automatic set yet?
    But cant set because in ibot servers is clean.
    So cant set with manual too.

  48. why isnt it possible to buff healing orbit and mana orbit? would be very usefull in the later gameplay =)

  49. because you can set in ibot orbits.

  50. You can only use the AutoBuffer to buff OTHER players. For orbits/dances/marches you don't have to select other players, so you can't use the Autobuffer for those skills. Just put them in iBot.

    @SBS, just select the server in iBot Tool and press launch?

  51. i deleted him ibot config file. and now he set again and now work. with old config not worked

  52. good:D now you fix buffer and i can loggin just with 1 char:)))) xD second char say: old clientless version >:P

  53. Adrian u use old ibot version .. 1.33b the new
    But not work rewrite version.ini
    new sro version
    And will work client less

  54. When i hide my sro -windows write Sro-hidden.
    when i click show i see sro-hidden.
    i i see so not hidden :D
    little bug :P

  55. Hi, do u have map files on FGW flame mountain?

  56. when i click stop buff , ibot tool doesnot stop buff

  57. @SBS i have new version of ibot but idk give to me that error:P with the precedent verion i can use but this make me trouble:D

  58. Adrian.
    ibot folder -> init folder ->version.ini file
    and rewrite 343
    and clientless will work fine

  59. bro :) that's funny 1 character in clientless work well autobuff all function but when i try to open second char in clientless have this problem with old clientless version :)

  60. the auto lure does not work

  61. good work bro :D:... thanx... i have sugestion, u can make when character die Stop buff :D... sometime character die and bot try give buff other char and give much lag :S...

  62. yeij look like this keep buffing now after hp mp crash rly big thx!!:)

  63. hey xtraxx
    programs to recover the memory (like ramfree from site error-soft)can cause problems in the use of lure ?
    because I have 8 clients (client mode and all 1024x768 window screen) and using ramfree for recover sro_client.exe memory always in 10 minutes and warrior always returning to the spot did not change the train script to lure script, so I decided to stop using ramfree and warrior now apparently making the lure without problems
    I'm still looking, if it actually fixed the problem

  64. I don't know if it causes any problems, but if it doesn't work when you are using it, but it works if you aren't using it, then is my conclusion that it causes a problem.. :P

  65. for you, works all the time? ever failed ?
    you tested for client and clientless?

  66. There is no difference between clientless and client. It should work all the time.

  67. hey trax can u tell me why my character frames disspear ??

    when my character arrives at the spot did not lure

  69. man ur patch his damged media.pk2 now silkroad doesn't want to run fix that right now

  70. @xTraXx How do you use train script and lure script at the same time? I set my warrior to lure without any problems... But when the warrior scrolls to town, the tool starts using the lure script in town instead of the town/train script.

  71. @IBotLover, you have to configure it in the Train/Lurescript config

    @Joe, are you sure you didn't used the patcher @ (Because my patcher works for me without any problems)

  72. @xTraXx I did add both the lure script AND train script in the config. The only time the bot uses the train script is when I start the bot in town. The train script doesn't work if I start the bot at the train spot/scroll town.

  73. Warning, please modify your config[iBot Tool].ini

    Search for: Mediapatcher=true and set it to false Otherwise your media.pk2 get damaged.

  74. @xTraXx yes i used it then it saied so i took a copy from media from my friend and i put it agin and i calosed the ibotforfun patcher this time and i tried agin it said faild to patch media ten a msgg show up media had been damged so wht should i do??

  75. Set mediapatcher = false until I fixed it. (It's happening since the new SRO update for some strange reason 0.o)

  76. @xTraXx maby i didn't default the iBot-Media pathcher in the right way so to me how can can i default and thx :))

  77. ok thank u @xTraXx thank u very much (^_^)

  78. The auto lure is working perfect yes or no?

  79. nah the auto lure not work

  80. xTraXx dat probleem dat die cleric ( char 5) not altijd probeert te buffen is er nog altijd. Je stopt auto-buff en hij blijft proberen...

  81. @xTraXx could u add hide HS at the ibot tool plz ?

  82. @xTraXx now i have other problem ur ibot tool patched media.pk2 and that's is good but after it try to open isro to run the hack shield it say's server is underground and i am very sure that's i had made the update for isro so why it say's that?
    plz answer fast

  83. Hi all,
    I have warrior and luring is really shit because he doing lot of stops, it looks like he trying buff then stop after couple secs again go and again stop, can you fix it? and why he always buffing players, they have buffs but he want to buff again same buff, maybe u can create just when buff finishing then only buff player because lure stops reason i think is this because in ibot console he trying buff and at the same time he stop, other bot luring without stops maybe you can create sth like that without them because i cant lure properly with those stops. If possible fix it

  84. @xTraXx

    Can you tell me how i can use clientess ? .-.

  85. Guys i can explain how to lure :)
    1. Need to be at npc (MUST STOP BOT)and relog setting untick auto start bot
    2. Set ibot train script to spot
    3. Set ibot-tool train and lure scripts
    4. Go to IBot and press start on train script
    5. When he arrived it automatically change script to lure and start luring without problem
    6. Dont touch stop/start bot buttons
    7. When ur durability low or potions low it will back to npc itself and after town script it start train script itself too.
    8. Options ( Untick Walk to center if no mobs, Untick always use Howling shout, vital increase, iron mana skins)
    9. Your bot works properly now
    P.S. But we have lot of stops problem in luring you will die more because you to far from healing orbit or cleric cant find you to buff healing cycle. Pls help Traxx with this problem i believe u, u can fix those problems.

  86. no work you update have many bug's when use the hackshield media patcher crash the media.pk2 i use last version .2 ;)

  87. where can i download version .2? :S help plss tool .3 doesn't work @@

  88. AnY1 else keeps getting at the cmd from hackshield= connected,disconnected etc..

  89. Ibottool doesnt patch te mediapk.2, it says that sever is under inspection, how can i fix it? thx

  90. Hi everybody,This is what is happening to me, the version mess up my mediapk, so i re-install sro (isro btw) and now when i try to open hackshield via ibottol it says that server is under insp and its happening with any version of ibottool, so idk if im forgetting something, cuz it has been working perfect for me, since i re-install sro, if someone knows something about pliz tell me, ill be very thankful.

  91. @Anonymous, set mediapatcher=true (Or select it in the hackshield)

    @Anonymous, what does iBot Tool say?(Original or modified?)

    @stef, delete all your hackshield files in your SRO folder.

    @Davidu, there is no difference between .2 and .3, only a little change in the mediapatcher. You can't download .2 anymore.

    @Adrian, .2 doesn't work anymore for the new sro (It will damage your media.pk2)

    @cK, I can't see if another player is buffed or not, so I can't buff "just in time". So that's why I created a delay (You can change it). By default is it on 50 seconds for alot of long time buffs. But you can set it to 300 seconds, but a player will be without buff for max 300 seconds, if he died or went back to town.

    BTW if you have a Warrior/Cleric you can give healing cycle (or something else) to yourself

  92. BTW, You are right, there is a bug in the mediapatcher :$.

  93. Im last two anonymous, i already set it true, and nothing happend, and ibottool says: Original but after i launch it it says modified, but keep appearing that the server is under insp, is there something im forgetting? cuz before i reinstall sro it was working perfectly

  94. Ok, bro np :) i can wait, Ty for everything, We really appreciate ur work :D

  95. BTW just replace your media.pk2 backup or reinstall sro, that's faster xD.

  96. BTW SRO-R is now under inspection.

  97. TY xTraXx I re-install again and with this new update the problem is gone, and now works perfect, The only thing i see is the cpu usage little bit higher, but who cares now is working xD Ty man U rock!

  98. Stef,
    Yes i got it but now not, because im using old mediapatcher working fine now

  99. hi im login like 10 mins and no problem but i see in the hackshield evrytime this:
    waiting for HS client..XXXX
    Hs client disconected....1
    sending hs data to....xxxxx
    hs client accepteed
    and this repeat all time now is like #90 and i have only 1 char loged inthe game
    idk is this normal??

  100. Yes it's totally normal, that's because iBot Tool is checking if the hachshield server is still online. (It only tries to connect, if succeed then it will disconnect again and it knows that the server is still working)

  101. But its shit Traxx because Java.exe cpu usage after 2h reach 50% usage

  102. im using PHmedia patcher very old version :D

  103. ok thx xTraXx im better now

  104. Clientess are working or not?

    here he can't connect to server

  105. Work with a lot of cpu

  106. i get a error old clientess version and cant connect the clientess ;X

  107. still dont work for me,the tool open the HS but iBot cant detect that HS and say HS busy or down,i have to open HS manually for conects the acounts

  108. Trax really need bard swing march buff skill to auto buffer,because im buying drugs 100% speed when my warrior luring :DD so i need to save money for other better things. Pls really need it . Ty

  109. Work with a lot of cpu help

  110. Open hackshield click run hackshied says ibot is fetching offsets try in a minute.. ibot freezed and i have to force close
    i try again media.pk2 is broken... im getting tired of your app breaking clients........ -_- can you fix this already

  111. Does iBot Tool use 100% cpu or your total system (That's why I added the Systemstatus, so you can see it)

    @Anonymous, did you use the latest iBot Tool version? If yes you must have a really slow pc, or the media.pk2 was already damaged(The fetching offsets process can't damage the media.pk2 at all, because the tool does only read it). But that process takes around 1 second on my pc (core i5 2500k), and I don't get any freezes, because it's in another thread.

    @Yastre, my tool just uses the original hackshield, it only tries to fetch the text which is normally in the blackbox, so you can hide it easily.

    @Equipe Soul Fantasy, go to version.ini and change the versionnumber.

  112. @xTraXx help me plz the ibot tol started to damg media.pk2 agin i told u yesterday that after i default the PHMediaPatcher and i default the iBot-MediaPatcher i opened the ibot tool and it said that he patched media.pk2 and it open the start scree for isr but a msg show up said server is underground why why why i made evry thing right and i made update for the game and i closed my scan vuris so why?
    answer me plz ((^_^))

  113. Don't use the ibot mediapatcher, it's bugged, so it will damage your media.pk2

  114. Default is also wrong don't use it at all...

  115. Replace the original media file or reinstall

  116. ok i replaced it and i will delete the iBot mediapatcher
    and i will see if it going to work or nowish me luck :P

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. with all of my respect Mr.xTraXx but i feel that ur patch is buged cuz i tried every way to make it patch the media.pk2 and open the hack shield but it didn't any way i will work with the old way and thank u agin for helping me a lot really and thank u for the ibot tool and for every thing els ((^_^)) and i apologize if was so annoying for u and thx again :D

  119. @joe, the only thing you have to do is start clean (Or patch it with phmediapatcher) and iBot Tool will do the rest for you. (It will patch it back when you close it and it will patch again when you open hackshield)

  120. the auto lure does not work, you should make a guide with pictures

  121. HI dude, thx for tool but I can't make for my chars make autoinvite/autoaccept pt... (I try to config this in ibot but nothing happends..

    Some answer guys??

  122. Kanker media..
    OK dus: Heb originele: 819 mb, dan patch ik ze via ibot tool, werkte het, nu dc ik rond 20.00 en dan begint de kloterij weer, eerst heb ik geprobeerd originele te plaatsen en dan te patchen maar dan fetch blablabla error, damaged media.pk2, dus dan doe ik het via ibot maar dan krijg ik de hele tijd, connected,disconnected en dc ik om het half uur ofzo.. enig idee nu? heb beide geprobeert gewoon via hostfile, via ibot patcher & via ibot tool patcher maar nu werkt geen van ze (-_-")

  123. @xTraXx,ok thank u maby i will try

  124. Nooit de mediapatcher van iBotforfun gebruiken. Deze vindt het verkeerde adres van de poort, waardoor de poort niet overschreven wordt, maar de bytes direct achter het versienummer worden overschreven. Hierdoor staan er op die plaats geen "0bytes" meer. Daardoor vind mijn tool dus ook een andere waarde. En werkt het dus helemaal niet meer. De enige patcher die je kan gebruiken is phmediapatcher en/of mijn patcher. Mijn patcher patch automatisch wanneer je hackshield start, en patch terug naar origineel wanneer je iBot Tool afsluit.

  125. @Anonymous, go to Misc in the ibot then auto party
    then go to party members and u will find ur party click add all members to filter then check auto invite and auto accept and u will find it working but u need to add the members to the filter

  126. BTW I don't experience any bugs when using my own patcher. But you must NOT use iBot media patcher, unless you write the right offsets in the textboxes(You can find them in my config[iBot Tool].ini but I don't recommend that because that's to much work for exactly the same thing.

  127. Zal in engels doen voor andere ook probleem hebben:

    It worked fine untill I dc'd once and then it fked up dunno wy, and after that i replaced it with original, nothing in host file & tryed to patch with the ibot tool and then it said something about damaged blablabla and then it was fked up again, btw whats the size for the media.pk2 of the 1e who are working? Maibe i can go on that..

  128. yeah i donot use it i use PHMediaPatcher
    hey do u have a FB email or a yahoo email cuz i want to add u as a friend,that if u want for sure :D

  129. You can follow me on twitter now. Facebook is private and my email is ibottool[at]gmail[dot]com

  130. my auto lure does not work u.u

  131. ok i am following u on twitter now :D

  132. you can fix the auto lure ; ( ?
    i need lure script ; (

  133. the auto lure no working

  134. Seriously now I don't get it at all:
    Fresh install of sro r, updated it to v1.012
    Placed hackshield files from 5/01/2012 date in sror folder, edxloader6, renamed silkerrsender --> All original, start iBot tool & Appoint Silkroadr folder

    --> Start hackshield ==> iBot tool tries to fetch the offsets blablabla media.pk2 broken (-_____-")

  135. @Stef, you are right, there is something wrong with the fetch process, I will take a look at it. Strange..

  136. Fixed it.. (Forgot one single line of code, pffff)

  137. Lol here i was reinstalling 5x ... :D

  138. Better you copy your media.pk2, so you can replace it if it's damaged :P. But the bug was only in the fetching process. (When you didn't restart after selecting the sro folder)

  139. I did use copys but in the end ive gotten 3 different copys so i don't know which is the good1 anymore xD

    Btw when are you gonna upload the new version (Autolure & Fix) ?

  140. BTW you can just use this version, select your sro path restart iBot Tool and then launch hackshield ;).

  141. Trax you can add anti invisible and anti stealth ? pls

    We still were waiting for merv.

  143. I added it 2 weeks ago or something, select loginserver 5 or 6

  144. Trax pls fix auto lure , i need auto lure with script beaceuse is best , pls fix fast Y_Y

  145. Trax if you talk with kune you together can make amazing program :D his program has bit problems and your but those problems are different :D and if you can pls make this option dont change second weapon when finish buffing because my warriors buff removing after change weapon. And if you can watch at lure options he stoping every time maybe you can fix it because in kunes manager it not stopping like in yours but i believe u u can make it :) and why create button stop start lure and why after press button stop buff bot buffing? he always buffing and when get dc it buffing all the time

  146. Uhm, Kune made his manager in Autoit, I created my tool in .NET so it's useless to talk with eachother. BTW the stop buffing button works for me? :O

  147. when the auto lure will be ready?

    pls answer

  148. Soon, I'm almost ready with the new function, then I send it to the beta testers and if there aren't any bugs I will release it.

  149. now if it works the auto lure:)

    but I have a doubt, when I have the durability warr fall back to a city and then to the spot and continue doing lure?

  150. trax you can add anti invisible ?

  151. the ibot-tool is very good now
    I can hide hackshield ?

  152. thx xTraXx for the new ibot tool ((^_^))

  153. Yep just click it away, it will stay active untill you press Terminate hackshield ;)

  154. ok could i ask u to do something for me if u can?
    can u put a download link for a clean media.pk2 cuz it's making me crazy plz

  155. Is it damaged again (by iBot Tool?)
    And no I can't it's a file of 800MB+, better you make a back up just to be sure ;). But iBot Tool is working fine now right?

  156. yes it's thank u and it's not damaged now ibot tool say (the process can't access the file 'G:\Silrkaod\media.pk2' cuz it's begin used by other process

  157. I don't think I have to explain that?:P
    (That means that another program is using media.pk2, probably a SRO client..)

  158. no no i closed every thing from task manger like sro and ibot,ibot tool,HS,and every other thing

  159. forgive me i am an idiot at English cuz i am from egy and i am 14 years old
    now ibot tool is saying (array cannot be null
    parameter name:bytes)
    that's mean wht? :D

  160. i think u know already that i am an idiot and u doesn't want to answer me again

  161. Same error for me: array cannot be null
    parameter name:bytes

  162. xTraXx do u have the old version from the ibot tool i want plz it's was working very good with me after i DL the new 1 my PC went crazy even after i used my scan virus 2 times and i made update 50 times for it after that i deleted my scan :D and i tried to DL version but i couldn't cuz u canceled it...... i couldn't open sro for the last 6h so plz i neeeeeeeeed the old version that all wht i ask...and thank u

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. Trax bro, now working fine,
    Also i need do not switch weapon when it finish his buff list it stopped at ress skill then it switch weapon to light staff and all my warrior buffs how u know is removed. I need because how u know warrior is stay alive longest :)need to change weapon when need to ress only. Maybe you can create ress list which chars need to ress it will be very usefull for all. Ty u are very good men trax. Ty

  165. idk wht is the problem every thing is working except the iBot tool the ibot is working and sro too the HS is working every thing so i want to know wht is the problem

  166. omg last version sux , the cpu usage = super mega 100% all time O_O i back to version

  167. @Joe, I have to sleep too xD
    @Anonymous, can you make a screenshot of iBot Tool when it's 100%?

    Can you tell me when you get this error (Array can't be 0)

  168. BTW don't delete the IP address in the Hackshield window (I think that causes the error, array can't be 0).

  169. okay i didn't say that u don't have to sleep i just said that i want the old version

  170. i got 2 pic 1 from the new ibot tool and 1 from the old ibot tool version and it's working very good with me but version it's damaging my media.pk2 and this time it damaged the ibot

  171. Als ik me hackshield start via ibottool, dan zegt ie : 'awaiting client,etc.' ik start client, maar hij komt dan niet zeggen van hacshield server accept enzo.

    Wat moet ik doen?

  172. hello xTraXx: nice work tool working good...i just got a little problem to ask need ur expert opinion
    ....when my warrior die or dc it stops giving buff also my cleric...what did i miss to fix...please help a new user of this tool but im finding it very nice to use...THANKS in advance

  173. I tested the new version of ibottool, and i think the error is on "hackshield" this use a lot of CPU memory ^^ but I don't know how to fix it ^^


  174. For me everything is working fine? I can start Hackshield without any problems and I don't get errors.

  175. yes bro hackshield eat so much CPU memory

  176. very high cpu usage , the ibot consuming very much

    i am using

  177. I also have the
    "Process cant access to the file D\...\media.pk2 cause it is used by an other process"

    And I just deleted (and Ccleaned) and reinstaled iSRO : Same error ...

  178. BTW that isn't an error to care about, just ignore it ;). I will remove the error in the next version.
